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Footsteps of the Fallen: Fight for Freedom - Beirut and Beyond's Story

"A promise to remember, but also to never forget!"

 In late the spring of 2018, the idea of this memorial was formed and the wheels began to move.  At the time, Beaver County currently had no memorial for those that have served after Vietnam other than the Veterans Memorial that rests on the Bridgewater side of the Veterans Memorial Bridge.  That memorial is to honor all veterans.  Since we started this, a few memorials have been built, including ideas from our memorial.  This memorial will honor the ultimate sacrifice of Beaver County's nine fallen members, since the bombing of the Beirut barracks on October 23, 1983, through the current war in Afghanistan. There was currently no memorial for the War on Terrorism (Iraq and Afghanistan) but there was also no memorial for those who had served before then but after Vietnam. This memorial is for all of those, from the Beirut bombing, the Khobar towers bombing, the USS Cole bombing, and September 11 2001 and all that has ensued since. It will be a place for those that have lost ones, friends, or a perhaps a small part of who themselves, to go and remember.  It took time to get the ball rolling.  We wanted to have the memorial located in the county seat, along with the other memorials that honor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice to our great nation, so we had to go to Beaver Borough and see what could be done.  We had to present our plans to the counsel, the schematics of the memorial, and what the plan moving forward would be.  Then we waited.  In January of 2020, we got the approval from Beaver Borough that we could build the memorial and they would give us the piece of property to build it on. It will be located in Quay Park in Beaver between the Vietnam Veterans memorial and the Korean War memorial. The memorial will be done completely in granite with the base being a light gray to match both the Vietnam and Korean memorials and the seven (7) tablets being in black granite. There will be three (3) sidewalks that act to connect all of these memorials. One going towards the Korean War memorial, one towards the main sidewalk to Third St, and one towards the Vietnam memorial. These sidewalks with be done in brick. The bricks will be a fundraiser that will be done in the future and we are still working on the specifics and which company we will be using for the bricks.  Each brick sold with be able to be purchased in memory or honor of a service member or loved one. The bricks will be engraved before being placed. More information to come once we have it.  Just as we were getting ready to send information out on fundraisers and volunteers to help, COVID hit the U.S., and put us to a halt. 


We have got to where we are with mostly donations and have had two golf outing which have raised more than $14,000 but we still have a long way to go.  We are at approximately 18% of what we need, $250,000, but we need your help.  We need help with fundraisers!  Ideas for fundraisers, volunteers for fundraisers, people to spread the word to help get donations.  Without your help, it's only going to take us longer to get the memorial built to honor and remember our nine fallen.


If you would like to donate:

Cash, check, or money orders can be sent to: 

Footsteps of the Fallen
c/o Jessica Davis
P.O. Box 589
Koppel, PA 16136

(Check or money order made payable to VVA Chapter 862, please write memorial in the memo section)

Ways to donate electronically:
- Venmo - @JDavis2009 or@VVAChapter862 (Download the app to donate).
- PayPal - @JDavis2009

If you need a W-9 for tax purposes, please let us know.

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Quay Square, Beaver, PA

©2020 by Footsteps of the Fallen: Fight for Freedom - Beirut and Beyond. Proudly created with

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